Wednesday, 1 August 2018

List of Perl GUI Frameworks

1.Perl-Qt:Perl-Qt is a Perl binding to Qt,for developing modern and cross-platform applications easily.
2.QtCore4:QtCore4 is another Qt binding for Perl,which binds to Qt 4.
3.Prima:Prima is a full-fledged GUI toolkit for developing desktop applications.
4.Win32-GUI:Win32-GUI is a GUI Framework for Windows applications.
5.XUL-GUI:Framework for render cross-platform XUL applications.
6.App-XUL:Framework for developing XUL apps in Perl.
7.GTK2-Perl:Perl binding to GTK2 framework,GTK is originally written in C and has ported to a variety of programming languages such as Python and Perl.
8.Gapp:Another Perl binding to GTK framework for desktop applications.
9.Tk:Perl binding to Tk,GUI framework for cross platform apps.
10:wxPerl:Perl wrapper for wxWidgets,GUI framework written in C++.
11.FLTK:Perl interface to FLTK GUI toolkit,which is based in C++.
12.Java:It's not a GUI framework,it's a Perl interface to access JVM classes.It allows you access Java-based GUI toolkits such as AWT and Swing.
13.GTK-Perl:Perl wrapper for GTK.
14.GTK3:Perl Binding to 3.x series GTK.

Saturday, 20 January 2018

A Collection of Android Development Blogs to Follow

1.DevExchanges - Android UI,Libraries tutorials and code samples.
2.Android Tutorial from Navin - a comprehensive list of Android tutorials.
3.Android Developers Solution - a blog by Mukesh Yadav about Android Development.
4.Android Training Center - a blog contains dozens of Android tutorials.
5.MyAndroidPoint - Android development blog.
6.My Experience with Android - Android tutorials blog.